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Free Breathwork, Pranayama, QiGong, and Meditation Sessions

Our goal is to share the knowledge to take care of mind & body with the world. Learn the techniques to awaken your full potential and let's make this world a more beautiful one! Enjoy these sessions. 

15 minutes Complete Mind & Body Training Session

A 15 minute simple, yet powerful Movement, Breathwork and Meditation session. A wonderful routine to practice every day. This session is part of the Life Awareness Essentials Course.

Energy & Consciousness Awakening Breath

A powerful Breathwork & Kundalini Pranayama session. This session is part of the "Breath is Life" Pranayama and Meditation course, the world's most popular course for learning Pranayama & Breathwork.

40 minutes Complete Mind & Body Training Session

A longer complete Movement, Breathwork and Mind Training Session. This session is part of the "40 Days of Transformation Course", a life-changing course that has transformed the lives of thousands of people!

Complete QiGong Session

QiGong is the wonderful art of gentle movement, breathing and meditation practices. These ancient practices have been the key to health, strength and well-being for millions of people.

Full Body Breathing

Learn how to breathe fully, using all breathing muscles of the respiratory system. This breathing technique is the foundation of all other breathing techniques and can be used to both relax, energize and heal mind and body.

Meditation Session

A deeply relaxing meditation session guided by Michaēl Bijker. This video is part of the "Awakening" complete meditation & mind training course.


Learn more about the wonderful techniques of Breathwork, Meditation, and QiGong. Click on the button below to view all of Michaël Bijker's courses.