40 Days Of Transformation | 40-Day Meditation Challenge

Design and manifest your ideal life

Benefits of this Manifestation course

  • Manifest an abundant life
  • Improve your relationships
  • Be healthy, joyful and empowered
  • Purify mind & heart and live from your source
  • Relieves stress, anxiety & depression
  • Expand your toolbox as a spiritual teacher, coach or guide
  • Live with purpose and fulfilment
  • Become an inspiration for others
Now $59 $1200

40 Days to create a wonderful life

As society becomes more complex and technology evolves to make our lives more convenient, we're also being pulled apart more and more. Being human in the 21st century isn't easy if we don't equip ourselves with the tools that help us to navigate contemporary challenges.  

Many of us experience difficulty staying in control of our mind & emotions these days leading to an increased experience of stress, anxiety, insomnia, and depression worldwide.  How would it be if, despite all of what's happening, you could still be in the driver’s seat every day?

The 40 Days of Transformation course helps you to navigate life calmly and experience a flow state while creating your personal dream life.

You will learn techniques to strengthen and open up body and mind, become more focused, use the breath to heal yourself, and become more aware that you are part of something much greater than yourself.

The method for transformation used in this course consists of 3 essential steps, namely:

Rewire your Brain | Boost focus and generate lasting happiness, flow-state and success. Develop mental strength and overcome stress, anxiety, and depression.

Reconnect with Yourself | Discover your most powerful, meaningful, and true Self. Feel inspired and experience growth towards your new life goals.

Rewrite your Future | Start Manifesting your most healthy, happy, and connected dream-life, and live using your full potential.

If you can commit for 40 days, then I can guarantee that you will see your life changing in positive ways that go beyond your current imagination.

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Who is this course for?
  • If you want to develop your full mental and emotional capabilities.
  • If you want to design and manifest a better life.
  • If you want to drastically improve your habitual patterns.
  • One must have finished the '7 Day Essentials Course' first as a prerequisite.
life changing course
What is included in this course?
  • VIDEO TUTORIALS - Access to over 60 online guided breathwork and mind training sessions (over 15 hours of HD video material) accessible anywhere at anytime.
  • BRAIN ENHANCING AUDIO - 4 sessions for healing, sleeping, relaxing and pineal gland activation
  • SELF DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM - Daily journaling and weekly 'Inner Guidance' sessions. Through expert guidance and support you will develop a strong self-practice and daily routine that will change your life
  • WARMUP & EXERCISE VIDEOS - Choose from several physical exercise videos to open up, strengthen and prepare the body for the breathing practices.
  • PRINTABLE WORK SHEETS - Handy printable worksheets for daily routines, schedules and tips.
  • ONE YEAR ACCESS - You will have 1-year access to the course material.
  • CERTIFICATION UPON COMPLETION - When you complete this online 40 Days of Transformation course, you will receive a certificate of completion.
manifestation course
transformation manifestation meditation breathwork

All course material is available for all devices like tablets, laptops, desktop and mobile devices.

Week 1

Getting Real
During this week you will learn to truly observe and connect with yourself. 

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✓ 14 Videos
✓ 7 Theory & Practice Sessions
✓ Daily Journalling Assignments
✓ 10 Reflection Questions

Week 2

Purifying Heart & Mind

During this week you will learn how to open up and cleanse the emotional system & mind. 


14 Videos
✓ 7 Theory & Practice Sessions
✓ Daily Journalling Assignments
✓ 7 Reflection Questions

Week 3

Connecting With The Power Within

During this week you will learn to generate altered states of mind and emotions that will be the key to manifesting a wonderful reality.

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✓ 10 Videos
✓ 7 Theory & Self-Practice Sessions
✓ Daily Journalling Assignments
✓ 6 Reflection Questions

Week 4

Using the Manifesting Force of Mind & Heart

During this week we will apply all the techniques we have learned to use the power of mind and heart to make manifestations in our reality.


10 Videos
✓ 7 Theory & Self-Practice Sessions
✓ Daily Journalling Assignments
✓ 7 Reflection Questions


Week 5

Creating a Better World

You are now aware of your true power within. During this week you will learn how to use your ability to manifest to create a brighter world for yourself and others


online qigong course (1)

10 Videos
✓ 7 Theory & Practice Sessions
✓ Daily Journalling Assignments
✓ 4 Reflection Questions

Week 6

Living Life with FLOW

During this week you will learn how to implement all that you've learned and keep things flowing in your life, even when things outside of your control happen. 

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10 Videos
✓ 7 Theory & Practice Sessions
✓ Daily Journalling Assignments
✓ 6 Reflection Questions

Extra Advanced Practices
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 20 videos
✓ Bhastrika, Kapalbhati & More
✓ Energy Locks | Bandhas
✓ 3rd Eye | Pineal Gland Awakening

Extra Audio & Movement

4 Brain Enhancing Audio Sessions | 2 hours
 9 Movement & Warmup videos | 3 hours

  • Welcome to the 40-Days of Transformation course!
  • Daily Journaling Assignments
  • 5 Minute Warmup (essential)
  • 5 Tibetan Rites
  • 'Brain Enhancing Audio' Sessions
Week 1 - Getting real
  • Day 1 - Morning (Theory): Diet and daily routines
  • Day 1 - Morning (Session) : Energy Awakening Spinal Breath - “Deeper layers within”
  • Day 2 (Theory): Breathing through the energy centers
  • Day 2 (Session): Energy center breathing session 1 - “Connecting with the 3 energy centers”
  • Day 2 (Session + Talk): Redefining success
  • Day 3 (Session): Energy center breathing session 2: “Rising the energy up”
  • Day 3 (Theory): Subtle and gross layers of reality
  • Day 4 (Session): Energy Awakening Spinal Breath - “Connecting with your Higher Self”
  • Day 4 (Theory): Everything you do has an effect on you
  • Day 5 (Session): Energy Awakening Spinal Breath - “Expansion”
  • Day 5 (Theory): Experiencing life through the filters of your mind
  • Day 6 (Theory): Karma & dissolving negative imprints in your life
  • Day 6 (Session): Self guided Energy Awakening Spinal breath and 3 step breathing session
  • Day 7: (optional) COMPLETE SESSION 1: Opening the energy system and expanding consciousness
  • In the next part...
  • Extra (Theory): How to end the breathing and meditation sessions
Week 2 - Purifying heart & mind
  • Introduction to this week - Cleansing Heart & Mind
  • 'Inner Vision Questions' Week 2
  • Day 1 (Theory): Your mind is like a garden, learn to cultivate it
  • Day 1 (Theory for the session): Slowing down the breath to still the mind and sharpen the awareness
  • Day 1 (Session): Semi guided session to bring the awareness deeper within and generate higher states of being
  • Day 2 (Theory): Strong vs gentle breathing and moving practices
  • Day 2 (Session): Bringing the awareness deeper within
  • Day 3 (Theory): Introduction to 'Generating acceptance' session
  • Day 3 (Session): Generating OK-ness and acceptance
  • Day 4 (Theory): Everything you can be thankful for will help you grow
  • Day 4 (Session): Generating gratitude
  • Day 5 (Theory): Introduction to 'Cleansing of the heart' session
  • Day 5 (Session): Cleansing of the heart and generating forgiveness
  • Day 6 (Theory): There is no need to change which is already complete in itself
  • Day 6 (Session): Ho'oponopono
  • Day 7 (optional) COMPLETE SESSION 2: Cleansing Heart & Mind
  • EXTRA: Guidelines for doing the breathing and meditation sessions yourself
Week 3 - Connecting with the power within
  • Introduction week 3
  • 'Inner Vision Questions' Week 3
  • Day 1 (Theory): Steps to go into a “higher state of being”
  • Day 1 (Session): Semi guided session to bring the awareness deeper within and generate higher states of being
  • Day 2 (Theory): The true power of the heart and mind
  • Day 2 (Session): Semi - Self guidance sesion
  • Day 3 (Theory): Observing the flow of energy and influencing it
  • Day 3 (Session): Learn to do these sessions by yourself
  • Day 4 (Theory): Layers of the Self
  • Day 5 (Theory): A beggar sitting on a box
  • Day 6 (Theory): Turning the iron into gold with the light of awareness
  • Day 7 (Theory): Cosmic Breathing & meditation Theory
  • Day 7 (Session) Cosmic breathing & meditation Session
  • EXTRA: COMPLETE SESSION 3 - Manifesting inner peace and abundance
Week 4 - Using the manifesting force of mind and heart
  • Introduction week 4
  • 'Inner Vision Questions' Week 4
  • Day 1 (Theory): Getting clear what you want to manifest in your life
  • Day 2 (Session + Talk): Redefining success
  • Day 3 (Theory): Using the power of mind and heart for creating reality - procedure
  • Day 3 (Session): Complete session for the week
  • Day 4 (Theory): Intention + Action = Manifestation
  • Day 5 (Theory): Tapping into the source
  • Day 6 (Theory): What you don't learn in school
  • DAY 7 (optional): COMPLETE SESSION 4 - Healing mind and body
Week 5 - Creating a better world
  • Introduction week 5
  • 'Inner Vision Questions' Week 5
  • Day 1 (Session): A better world
  • Day 2 (Theory): Collective state of consciousness
  • Day 3 (Theory): You are both an observer and creator
  • Day 4 (Theory): About giving and receiving
  • Day 5 (Theory): Being part of something much greater than yourself
  • Day 6 (Theory): You are given a seed
  • Day 7 (optional): COMPLETE SESSION 5 - Opening heart and hips
  • Let us know how you like the course
Week 6 - Living life with FLOW
  • Introduction week 6
  • 'Inner Vision Questions' Week 6
  • Day 1 (Theory): You are the captain of your ship
  • Day 2 (Theory): Karma & Dissolving the negative imprints of your past
  • Day 3 (Theory): The peaceful center in the wheel of change
  • Day 4 (Theory): Trusting the flow of Life & Crossing the river to peace and abundance
  • Day 5 (Session): COMPLETE SESSION 6: Guided meditation with a talk about finding INNER PEACE - TRUE LOVE - FREEDOM
  • Questionnaire
Extra: Essential breathing techniques from the 'Breath is Life' Pranayama & Meditation course
  • Importance of learning 3 step breathing/ Yogic breathing
  • Full body breathing/ 3 Step Breathing
  • Smiling with the heart (An important video from the QiGong course)
  • Ocean breathing (video from the 'Breath is Life' course)
  • Kapalbhati Pranayama step by step explanation
  • Meditation session: Cultivating peace within (video from the 'Awakening' - Complete meditation course)
Physical workout and warm-up sessions
  • 5 Minute Warmup (essential)
  • 5 Tibetan rites
  • Sun Salutations/ Surya Namaskar
  • 14 minute opening & connecting session
  • QiGong opening and strengthening session
  • COMPLETE SESSION: Creating space in hips and mind
Continuing your journey
  • Testimonial
  • Continuing your journey

✓ Are you willing to make changes to experience transformation and live using your full potential?

✓ Do you want to use the power of mind and emotions in a much better way than you are doing right now?

✓ Do you have any emotional or mental blockages that can be cleared? (restlessness, overthinking, trauma, stuck emotions ...)

✓ Are you willing to commit to a 40 days program to train mind, body and awareness and work with manifesting power of mind and heart?

✓ Do you feel connected with Michaël's teachings? Or did you attend any of his sessions before? (on Youtube or social media, during an event, or in another course)

✓ Do you want to give more meaning to your life?

✓ Do you want to create a better life for yourself, and a better world for others?

➔ If you answered ‘yes’ to at least one of the questions above, this course is perfect for you and will definitely help you reach your goals.

✓ Daily guided movement, breathwork, and/or meditation & mind-training video session (20 - 30 minutes per session)

✓ Daily self-paced video & pdf lecture (5-10 minutes per lecture)

✓ Morning & evening  journalling assignments (5-10 minutes per assignment)

These journaling assignments are extremely powerful for clarifying what you want in life and how to make that happen.

Yes, absolutely! With the daily practices and assignments and great guidance, this 40 days course is actually is the best way to start applying the in-depth knowledge that you have gained during any of the other courses.

Yes and no | You can watch each lesson when you are ready to move on to the next.

We have used important elements from the Life Design course, restructured it and combined it in the most efficient, and powerful way to enhance your journey of transformation. If you have completed the Life Design course, but want to give this newly structured version another shot, just send us an email at info@yogalap.com and we're happy to give you the 40 Days of Transformation course with a 50% discount. Please mention the email address you use for your LAP account.

Breathing techniques

✓ Energy Awakening Spinal Breath
✓ Ocean breath
✓ Cleansing of the heart breath
✓ Energy rising breath
✓ Third eye opening breath
& more.

Physical exercises to open up and strengthen mind and body

✓ The 5 Tibetan rites
✓ Powerful 5-minute opening up & cleansing practice
✓ Yoga asana sessions
✓ QiGong movement practice
& more.

Meditation & mind-training techniques

✓ Creating acceptance and connection with the Now
✓ Cleansing of the heart
✓ Focus and clearing the mind
✓ Ho’oponopono. A Hawaiian cleansing technique to reset and cleanse the emotional system and mind
✓ Generating gratitude and forgiveness
✓ Tapping into the power of manifestation
✓ Projecting awareness
& more.

This is a profound, life-changing course that will benefit you in all aspects of your life your physical & mental health, relationships, living with 'flow' and creating abundance. For this course we want only people that are really dedicated to making a change in their lives, to take 40 days and say; "Yes! I am going for it. Every day for the coming weeks I will prioritize some of my time to train mind & body and develop my full potential." For most people, the value of something is measured by how much they are willing to pay for it.

Through this course, one will learn how to create a life of joy and abundance which is the most precious gift to give yourself.

This is the most intensive Life Awareness course available with 4 life sessions with Michaël. This course WILL create a profound change in your life if you can be dedicated to following the sessions every day.

This course has the tremendous power to transform your life within 40 days. If you truly commit and are willing to change, the benefits are endless.

This course will help you to:

✓ Make Drastic Changes in your Life and Habitual Patterns
✓Use the True Power of Heart & Mind
✓ Connect with your Higher Self
✓ Realize Life-Goals
✓ Cleanse Heart & Mind
✓ Manifest Your Reality
✓ Boost Immunity
✓ Process Emotions
✓ Heal Emotional Pain
✓ Heal Trauma
✓ Boost Positive Self-Development
✓ Develop Self Awareness
✓ Boost Confidence
✓ Increase Happiness
✓ Beat Depression
✓ Boost Immunity
✓ Boost Focus
✓ Boost Creativity
✓ Increase Joy
✓ Develop Life Skills
✓ Reduce Stress
✓ Release Tention
✓ Release Anger
✓ Reduce Chronic Pain
✓ Reduce Anxiety
✓ Improve Relationships
✓ Reduce Negative Thinking
✓ Build Healthy Habits
✓ Create Focus & Inner Harmony

This course is specifically designed for transformation within 40 days. The course creator Michaël Bijker has over 20 years of experience in mind-training, meditation, breathwork and different movement techniques. He has been studying to combine techniques in the most influential way. Using a tailored combination of different techniques assures you great impact and quick results already in the early stages of the course. Together with the live sessions, you will stay motivated and feel supported to continue your journey towards creating the most meaningful, happy and healthy life for yourself and others.

Yes, I do. If you are not satisfied with the course, you can email me within 30 days and get a complete refund.

This course is for anyone who wants to transform his/her life. It is the powerful combination of the daily assignments and practices,  live sessions and the focus on building healthy habitual patterns and routines that makes this course highly impactful for both beginners and experienced students.

Yes, absolutely!

For a successful transformation, it is very important to create healthy and wholesome habitual patterns. Therefore it is highly recommended to do the sessions every day, and around the same time. If you really cannot manage to do that, it is also fine to use different times or skip a day or 2. The most important factor is your commitment. Are you willing to give it whatever is reasonably possible for you? Then the answer is definitely YES, you should absolutely join.

If your questions are not answered yet, you can email me at info@yogalap.com. We will get back to you asap to clarify your doubts.

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Start your training today!

A complete mind & body training program to become the best version you can be

yoga breathwork course online
  • Commit for 40 days and notice your life changing in positive ways
  • The Life Awareness Project’s most transformative course out there
  • Work on the inside to create a better outside for yourself & others
  • Understand how your state of mind & heart can work like a magnet
  • Learn the art of manifestation to create your ideal life
  • Bonus: Journaling assignments to get clear on your inner vision
  • Bonus: 6 Brain enhancing audio files
  • Bonus: Daily habits and routines for a better life
  • Bonus: Learn to guide yourself during breathwork & meditation sessions

Yogalap helps to create positive change in your company & beyond

“The Yogalap courses inspire the staff and communities of meaningful organizations like NAMI-NYC, as they bring hope and energy to their powerful missions to improve the world.”

matt kudish testimonial
Matt Kudish
Executive director at NAMI-NYC