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Breathwork Instructor Course + Breath is Life

Thumbnails Yacep - BIC Certified Breathwork Instructor
Thumbnails Yacep - BIL 'Breath is Life'
Choose a start date that suits you best. You can always change it later in case you need more time to complete the preliminary ‘Breath is Life’ course. 
Select start date for the Certified Breathwork Instructor:

This is an option for those that cannot join the live sessions. Instead of joining the five live sessions, you will have access to videos of pre-recorded live sessions. You can start the course when you want.

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I am aware that as with all physical activities, the methods and practices entail a certain degree of physical and mental risk. I will act within my own capabilities and limitations and in case of concerns or questions I will consult a qualified doctor prior to applying any method or before starting practicing.
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